4 Key Tips to Help Rid Your Body of Free Radicals

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By now, the advent of modern health has helped you become especially familiar with the concept of free radicals and the damage they can cause when not acted upon properly. Much like carcinogens and other toxic substances, these are capable of damaging the development, growth, and survival of the cells in your body—which can lead to an assortment of long-term complications! 

Unfortunately, far too many people spend their time trying to avoid free radicals at all costs, to the point where they aren’t doing enough to actually cleanse the toxic substances that are already building up inside of them.

How to Cleanse the Body and Rid It of Free Radicals

Considering that you wouldn’t want to accelerate the rate at which you would start to experience problems like hardened arteries, diabetes, and wrinkles, it’s essential that you take the time to start detoxifying as soon as possible.  When it comes to protecting your own body from the risks associated with free radicals, there are a few key tips and effective ways that can get you started ASAP:

Tip #1: Swap out your sweets for more fruits

If you want to start keeping your body safe from free radicals, then you need to stop feeding your body with food that has them. This is particular to the case of sweets, as these are chock-full with these toxins!

Although your sweet tooth may be a bit too strong to resist at first, the fact of the matter is that most of these sugary treats are highly processed across all their ingredients and contain a lot of sugar—a deadly combo that creates free radicals. Fortunately, swapping your regular helping of sugar with a bowl of fruit—such as kiwi, blueberries, and grapes—will not only save you from processed ingredients but also give your body the antioxidants it needs for a healthier tomorrow! 

Tip #2: Eat more antioxidants

Speaking of antioxidants, did you know that you know that there are a whole lot of pieces of food that you can eat to give your body what it needs to fight free radicals?

When you start filling your diet with antioxidants from various sources, it becomes easier to build a strong foundation of anti-toxic nutrition that will help protect your health in every aspect at all costs. While the effects may not kick in as soon as possible once you start eating more food rich in vitamins A, C, and E, you’ll thank yourself in the long run as you start to notice that you feel a whole lot better and look younger than your peers! 

Tip #3: Stop reusing your cooking oils

Look, we get it: putting a bit too much cooking oil when whipping up a meal is something that will have you thinking about using the excess for the next meal so that you can save some money. 

However, here’s the thing: the disadvantages of doing this all-too-common practice far outweigh the cents or cumulative dollars you’ll save; you see, reusing cooking fats and oils that you’ve already cooked with is absolutely harmful to your health because they’re packed with free radicals! The reason for this lies in the fact that oils and fats end up oxidizing and making way for the process of creating the toxin in question to begin—all of which eventually end up in the food that is cooked with an already-used pan of oil.

Tip #4: Stock up on your supplies from 123Immunity

Although eating right, getting rid of processed sugar, and not reusing cooking oils are great ways to keep your body safe from free radicals, it still helps to have the right ingredients in your diet that you usually wouldn’t find in food. With the help of a regular serving of 123Immunity’s immunity support system supplements, you’ll be able to ensure that your body has the support it needs to effectively fight the toxins in question all day, every day!


When it comes to helping your body fight free radicals and remain as healthy as possible all the time, it pays to pick up the right habits that will go a long way. Through the help of the key tips mentioned above, you’ll be able to ensure that your body has everything it needs to fight toxins that can harm it significantly in the long run before they end up doing damage! 

At 123Immunity, we provide the best immune system booster in the United States that you can use to protect your body from free radicals and other kinds of unwanted, harmful substances. Check out our online store and place your order today!

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