8 Tricks to Boost the Elderly’s Immune System

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As we age, our bodies don’t function as efficiently. Due to many reasons, we become biologically slower at responding to sicknesses, and we become more prone to getting infections! 

Given that, our immune system is the one thing we shouldn’t compromise on, particularly when it comes to our health and well-being. Here are the eight easy tricks for the elderly to boost their immune system:

1. Wash your hands

Sometimes, it all boils down to sanitation. 

Regularly rinsing your hands is an effective way to get rid of disease-causing germs. Do it before eating, after eating, after using the toilet, and so on. This way, you also prevent spreading germs to other objects you touch or the people with whom you come in contact.

2. Eat right

For a healthy immune system, it’s essential to stick to diets you can benefit from significantly. Healthy diets mean taking in balanced, nutrient-dense foods, such as whole grains, low-fat, and protein-rich. Stock up on vegetables, fruits, and vitamin-rich foods like lean meats, eggs, beans, peanut butter, almonds, potatoes, broccoli, and spinach.

3. Stay hydrated

Water is everything. It helps you absorb and retain the nutritional benefits of the food you consume. Additionally, it’s also a great detoxifier as it pushes toxins out of your body. But most importantly, you need water to keep yourself hydrated and to optimize your immunity!

Take this simple life hack: keep a water bottle with you at all times.

4. Keep moving

It doesn’t have to be anything strenuous. When we say keep moving, we’re talking about stretching in the morning, taking light walks, or even just moving around the house. 

Make sure you wake those muscles up and incorporate a holistic exercise like yoga into your routine. Make sure you don’t allow yourself to just sit around all day!

5. Sleep and recover

Getting ample sleep is a means to recover from daily stress and physical exhaustion. When your body recovers, you can also regenerate the cells in your body, fight inflammation, or even get rid of infections. 

Build a regular sleeping pattern and a smooth nighttime routine to avoid sleep disorders.

6. Stay in touch

Keep the loneliness at bay and show how much you care but from a distance. Amidst a pandemic like COVID-19, it’s also still important to note that keeping yourself healthy can also be done by keeping in touch! 

Self-care includes a bit of socializing and connecting with others like friends and family, even virtually. Get creative, make time, and stay present in conversations over Zoom, FaceTime, and Skype.

7. Quit bad habits

If you’re looking for a sign, this is it. It’s time to quit feeding yourself lots of junk, excessive alcohol intake, and smoking cigarettes. A glass of wine a day may be suitable for your overall health, but it’s vital to one’s to know when enough is enough. 

Meanwhile, smoking cigarettes harms your immune system to a fault, and it increases heart problems and respiratory problems at the same time. Combat these adverse effects by consuming antioxidant-rich foods and probiotic-rich foods to protect your body’s defense system.

8. Get vaccinated

There’s a ton of vaccines you can get nowadays, all for disease prevention. In the day and age of the COVID-19 pandemic, getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent infection, hospitalization, and death in older adults! With seniors assumed to have weakened immune systems, the COVID-19 vaccine and the senior flu shot are now widely accessible across states.


Quality of life is all about the quality of your health. In boosting your immunity, there are many tips and tricks to do exactly that! There are countless ways, and all you have to do is start now. After all, health is wealth. 

Are you looking for the best vitamins for your immune system? We’ve got it here at 123Immunity! We offer free delivery for our products all over the US. Connect with us today and shop with us now!

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