7 Essential Tips to Help You Boost Your Immune System

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The immune system is our first line of defense against disease and infection. There are lifestyle changes you can do to balance your immune system to enable it to respond well to infection and heal and repair any damages that may occur. Here are some ways to do that: 

1. Take Vitamin C

Keeping the body loaded with vitamin C is important. This is because when you’re sick, your body uses more vitamin C. When there’s enough vitamin C in the body, it will lessen the time that you’re unwell. But how does vitamin C do this? 

Vitamin C can help support the function and production of certain white blood cells that can attack bacteria and viruses. Therefore, having a regular intake of vitamin C will help maintain an efficient immune system. 

Keep in mind: this vitamin can only be acquired from the diet because it can’t be stored in the body. 

2. Have More Protein

Protein is famous for building muscle, but unbeknownst to many, it’s crucial in supporting immunity. Therefore, getting enough protein is crucial because it makes up the building blocks that help the immune system make new cells and antibodies to fight infection. It can help keep the immune system strong. 

3. Get Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the one you naturally produce when you are exposed to sunlight. It supports white blood cells to help protect the body against foreign invaders. If you can’t have vitamin D naturally—which is being out in the sun—you can use alternatives, such as eggs and oily fish. 

4. Drink Plenty of Water

Ah, the good ‘ol rule of drinking plenty of water—here we are again. It only shows how important water is because it keeps the body hydrated, and it’s not only that. It can help strengthen the immune system because the mucus in the nose, mouth, and respiratory tract is on the front line to protect the body against infections. 

Think about it—if you don’t have enough water in your system, you won’t be able to make enough mucus. As a result, you will be less protected. When this happens, your body gains another stressor that can increase your susceptibility to infection. So, drink up, and drink a lot!

5. Have a Balanced Diet

You have probably heard and read this a million times—having a balanced diet is crucial because it can help build your immune system. Having a varied diet will ensure your bodies get their recommended dietary allowances to ensure you’re getting all the necessary nutrients. 

6. Take Care of Your Gut

Your gut flora regulates your immune system and your metabolism. When you have a healthy gut, there will be gut-derived molecules to get into the body while keeping others out. In turn, this will support better immune and brain performance. 

7. Get Enough Sleep

Getting good quality sleep is important to have a balanced immune system. When you’re asleep, your body will produce a protein (which is known as cytokines) that helps regulate your body’s immune and inflammation responses. 


Your immune system plays a vital role in your overall health. By knowing how to strengthen and maintain it, you’ll have fewer sick days and when you do get sick, you can rest easy knowing that your immune system has you covered. So drink up, watch your diet, sleep enough hours, and take vitamins and supplements for a healthier immune system.

Looking for supplements that can boost your immune system? 123Immunity is the best immune booster that has been carefully formulated to provide essential nutrients for maximum immune system support. Shop now! 

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