5 Surprising Science-Based Health Benefits of Vitamin B12


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Healthcare professionals (and loving parents) always recommend incorporating minerals and immune-boosting vitamins into our diets. These vitamins add value to our everyday lives—some are even required to survive, especially now at the time of COVID-19.

If you’re looking for answers on how to strengthen your immune system through vitamins, you are in the right place. This article will look at one essential vitamin, cobalamin, also known as vitamin B12, and its importance in our body:

1. Prevents Anemia and Improve Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells are vital parts of blood that ensure oxygen is delivered throughout the body and carbon dioxide is taken out. These red blood cells depend on vitamin B12 to get their small and round shape. When they fail to form appropriately, red blood cells won’t go through the body properly, leading to weakness, fatigue, and even anemia.

2. Prevents Osteoporosis and Strengthen Bones

As people age, their bones become more brittle and prone to illnesses like osteoporosis. It can be credited to an unhealthy lifestyle or a poor diet because vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in keeping bones strong.

As proof, a study done on 2,500 adults showed that people with vitamin B12 deficiency have lower bone mineral density. Over time, this situation will lead to more fragile bones and a heightened risk of bone diseases. By supplementing your diet with vitamin B12, there will be an opportunity to reverse the situation and regain bone strength.

3. Promotes Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

With vitamin B12’s essential role in cell production, maintaining it at a reasonable level in your diet will help retain the quality of skin, hair, and nails. Moreover, vitamin B12 can help improve people who have vitiligo, hyperpigmentation, hair problems, lesions, and nail discoloration.

4. Aids in a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnant women need all the nutrition they can get. After all, they are catering to two (or more) people’s needs instead of one. This is why taking vitamin B12 will also be an immune booster for pregnant mothers to help them stay in tiptop shape during this sensitive time.

Additionally, vitamin B12 must be added to the nutrition program of expecting mothers if they want their child to develop well. In some studies, the vitamin can even help and improve the baby’s brain and nervous system development.

Moreover, some studies state that lacking vitamin B12 may lead to congenital disabilities, premature births, or in the worst case, a miscarriage. Supplementation is highly encouraged to limit the chances of concerns like these.

5. Gives an Energy Boost

With life being fast-paced and stressful, everyone could do well with an extra boost of energy. If you want a healthy and natural source, any B vitamin, including B12, would be a perfect choice. These benefits are more noticeable for people who are provided with B12 supplements after suffering from vitamin deficiencies.

Final Thoughts

Vitamin B12 deserves a spot in the nutrients people seek to consume every day because of its significant contributions to health. By making an effort to get this vitamin as part of your daily routine, you can maintain a good energy level, bone health, and healthy skin, hair, and nails, among other perks. Because it can only come from external sources, find different ways of including it in your diet. You can eat lean meat, eggs, soy products, and other protein sources.

But if you want a surefire way to get your daily requirements, you can add a supplement with good levels of vitamin B12 into your nutrition plan. Check out 123immunity and try out our best immune booster today!

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