The Benefits of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc Against COVID-19

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There are a lot of important vitamins that assist with the overall upkeep of our bodies. While most of them are naturally provided by the food that we eat, some are actually add-ons given by the supplements we combine with our diet. 

For the most part, their general functions and uses are your typical vitamin benefits, such as strengthening the bones, maintaining proper blood flow, providing radiant skin, and maintaining clear eyesight, among others. However, since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, these vitamin variants have become sought-after supplements by the majority of people who are hoping to strengthen their immunity!

Being a new type of virus, COVID-19 seems to hold a couple more undiscovered facts within it, a puzzle that baffles even the smartest scientists of today. But being “mysterious” didn’t exempt it against the human resiliency and will to survive—and that is why there are a lot of recovered cases around the globe, due to those who were able to have a formidable immunity with the help of their vitamins.

What Are These Formidable Vitamins, and How Do They Help Against COVID-19?

There are three main vitamins when it comes to strengthening your internal defense against COVID-19. Namely, they are vitamin C, vitamin D, and Zinc. 

While they all vary depending on the different advantages and boost they’d provide towards your body, make no mistake, their main goal of defending you from the symptoms and bad effects of the rampant virus is one and the same!

Vitamin C

Also known as Ascorbic Acid, it is the household definition of what an immunity supplement is. 

We say household since it has been the “mainstream” vitamin for a very long time. When you were younger, you were given this supplement in a round tablet form to increase your immunity against bacteria and flu. You may have even seen commercials of those chewable vitamins before—and now that you’re a grown-up, it’s still a top choice against a much tougher enemy, one that took the world by storm.

Vitamin C usually acts as a micronutrient that boosts your epithelial barrier, a sort of protective layer that keeps bacteria and viruses from doing further damage to your body. In such a case, one of COVID-19’s main symptoms is respiratory infections, and the protective barrier would ensure that the infection does not spread further, mitigating COVID’s bad effects on your lungs.

Vitamin D

Another major nutrient that protects your body from the harmful effects of the virus would be vitamin D. Unlike the other nutrients that aim to boost the immune system, this one is more about regulating it! 

When COVID-19 enters your body, your immune system will react to it to prevent further internal damage. However, the downside to this is that your immune system would often overreact when battling against the virus, thus resulting in inflammatory responses. 

Vitamin D would mitigate all of that and make sure that your immune system is well-maintained.


Just like the functions of the first two nutrients, Zinc is all about providing your immune system with a well-needed boost to counteract the effects of COVID-19. It is responsible for the development and activation of cells during immune responses, much so that your body would be able to adapt regardless of the pathogens that have entered your system.


Many nutrients may be utilized against the harmful effects and symptoms of COVID-19. While some of them are already part of your daily meals, others would need to be provided by supplemental add-ons, much like your morning and afternoon vitamins. 

With that being said, vitamin C, vitamin D, and Zinc are definite must-haves if you want to further strengthen and regulate your immune system. Not only can they be found in your local drugstores, but they are also very affordable! Invest in them and fortify your armor against an unseen enemy that is COVID-19.
If you are on the hunt for immune-boosting supplements that would strengthen your body and immune system against the harmful effects of COVID-19, look no further than 123Immunity. We are providers of carefully formulated supplements that provide essential nutrients to support your body and your overall immunity. Contact us for more information about our products and prices!

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