On Magnesium and Health: 3 Reasons Why Magnesium Is Good For You


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Developing a well-balanced diet includes adding foods and supplements with vitamins, protein, and many other nutrients. However, many people tend to overlook an essential mineral, which hinders them from achieving optimal wellness. If you want to live long and live well, you need to include enough magnesium in your diet!

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals that your body needs. This mineral is necessary for various processes in the body, such as regulating muscle and nerve function, making protein, and maintaining good blood pressure levels.

Here are only a few of the many life-changing benefits of magnesium:

Improves Bone Health

Your bones are vital to living a good life, as they allow you to move your arms, legs, and joints. Unfortunately, even if your bones are one of the body’s strongest parts, they will weaken over time. You’ll be in peak condition until 30 years of age, but when you mature past that number, your bones will slowly begin to weaken, making it more challenging to move around.

Loss of bone strength is inevitable, as it is a part of aging. However, you can lower your risk of developing osteoporosis by eating calcium-rich foods, exercising regularly, and, most importantly, maintaining a sufficient level of magnesium.

Other than calcium, magnesium is also crucial in maintaining healthy bones, contributing to increased bone density, and preventing the onset of osteoporosis. Make sure to take the recommended amount of magnesium for it to work well together with calcium.

Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Aside from age, weight, physical activity, smoking, and family history, did you know that magnesium deficiency is also a vital risk factor to consider regarding type 2 diabetes? Since many people with diabetes have low magnesium levels, this mineral may play an integral role in managing diabetes.

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to insulin resistance, while insulin resistance may cause low magnesium levels. To improve sensitivity in people with low magnesium and control the action of insulin, it’s recommended to consume 100 mg of it through foods or magnesium supplements.

Low magnesium levels can negatively impact your health, but you should still make sure to consult a healthcare professional.

Alleviate Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) comprises a wide variety of symptoms that three out of four women experience a week or two before their period. Although PMS is a natural occurrence, it doesn’t make things easier for people who have it.

PMS, at its worst, could be so severe that it may affect one’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Some women have been said to experience depression, mood swings, anxiety, and irritability. 

Fortunately, you won’t have to endure this painful experience every month. With a sufficient magnesium intake, you could relieve yourself of cyclical anxiety, bloating, menstrual migraine, and stress. In addition, consuming magnesium with vitamin B6 may be more effective in alleviating the symptoms.


Magnesium is essential to maintaining good health! Make sure to include a sufficient amount of magnesium-rich foods in your diet to enjoy its benefits. Still, if you can’t get enough from your diet alone, we recommend taking the best magnesium supplements so that your body can function at its best.

Do you want to be healthier and happier? Then, take 123immunity every day to keep your body strong and immune! As one of the best magnesium supplements available today, 123immunity helps activate your body’s immune response by providing carefully formulated nutrients. Shop today!

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