The Top 3 Vitamins You Need to Boost Your Immunity

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In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, people rushed to drug stores to hoard vitamin C and other health supplements. This was done in an effort to keep immune systems strong and resistant to any viruses that may end up in your system. 

It’s pretty incredible how vitamins and supplements can save your health from a brand new pandemic. The truth is, a poor immune system is the beginning of any other sickness. Consistent intake of vitamins is one of the best ways to protect your health. Whether your source of vitamins is natural food or capsules, here are the top vitamins that you should keep your body safe and healthy for years to come: 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the best immune booster that your body needs. Lack of vitamin C supply could lead to a lot of health problems ranging from simple to severe. If you have vitamin C deficiency, you may experience brittle nails, dry skin, dry hair, and even become vulnerable to flu. 

You can fuel your body with vitamin C by eating fresh fruits and vegetables such as oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, kale, broccoli, and so much more. The good thing about vitamin C is you can source it from a lot of foods. The human body does not store or produce vitamin C on its own, so it is best to take your daily vitamins to stay healthy and protected. 

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 supports the biochemical reactions in the body, which is why it’s excellent for preventing Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and anemia. It can also improve mood, brain health, and reduce Premenstrual Syndrome symptoms. 

If you are lacking in Vitamin B6, you may observe skin rashes, cracked and sore lips, mood changes, and distinct tiredness. Worse signs can be seizures, tingling and pain in hands and feet, and weakened immune function. 

Do not let your body run out of vitamin B6 by eating oats, bananas, chicken, green vegetables, chickpeas, salmon, tuna, and other cold-water fish. Vitamin B6 can also be sourced from multivitamins, but you can also buy it as a stand-alone supplement.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is popularly known as food for the skin. However, Vitamin E is more than that—it is also an antioxidant that acts against infection. Vitamin E is also believed to help fight respiratory infections. So add Vitamin E to your daily dose of supplements.

Preliminary research has shown that Vitamin E may help the immune system in preventing COVID-19. The American Nutrition Association said that vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E are the best vitamins for avoiding COVID. 

Vitamin E can be taken from vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables, seeds, and more. Like vitamin B, vitamin E can be consumed from a multivitamin or taken on its own. 


Now is the best time to fuel your body with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. These vitamins can strengthen your immune system and help you fight not just COVID but also any other sickness that could threaten your long-term health. 

If you want the best multivitamin, 123Immunity is formulated to provide the body with essential nutrients and give the immune system the maximum protection it needs. It contains vitamins C, D, B12, and Elderberry, where each has its benefits. Order now and get free shipping on all of your orders.

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