5 Food Types to Avoid When Boosting Your Immune System

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The immune system keeps us safe from all types of harmful organisms and diseases that may enter our bodies. While it may not be sufficient to prevent us from having the flu or fever at times, it may still regulate the amount of harm these diseases may cause, giving us a chance to take our medications and solve our illness overall.

That said, it is our responsibility to ensure that the food we eat will contribute to the overall strengthening of our immune system. Just because something is advertised as healthy doesn’t mean that we should consume it immediately. We also need to know which foods can be helpful or detrimental to us. 

If you’re planning to boost your immune system, we’ve curated this list of food types to avoid—at all costs:

Fried Foods

Believe it or not, fried food can contribute to the destruction of our cells, as most of them contain Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs). Their primary function usually focuses on the deterioration and inflammation of your cells, making them weak and therefore affecting your organs in the process. This is evident in people diagnosed with obesity, with them having a clear history of too much fast-food intake, resulting in complications within their bodies.

Canned Foods

We already know the harmful effects of preservatives inside canned goods, but did you know they also contain AGEs? Aside from that, they are also rich in saturated fats, raising your cholesterol in the process and usually resulting in bad heart conditions.

Artificially Sweetened Foods

Some food may be advertised as having a low amount of sugar, suitable for those hoping to lower their intake of sweets. However, they don’t often realize that artificial sweeteners are just as harmful as the real thing. This is because they contain saccharin and sucralose, primarily responsible for autoimmunity illnesses, gut inflammation, and immunity limitations.

Refined Carbohydrate Foods

You may think that you’re in the clear if you just happen to be eating bread, but even white, sliced bread is rich in refined carbohydrates, a component whose primary function is to raise your insulin and blood sugar levels. 

This is one of the main misconceptions about eating pastries—just because they do not contain a considerable amount of fat or oil, they can be safe to eat, regardless of the amount. The truth is, too much of their consumption may be good enough to cause you diabetes.

High-Fat Foods

We’ve already mentioned the disadvantage of saturated fat, but apart from this effect, it can also affect your immune system by allowing harmful microorganisms to invade your body. As a result, unimaginable damages to your internal organs can occur.


Certain foods should be avoided to maintain and boost your immune system. While there are always nutritional facts to look out for to pick the ones that may work with your diet, you should just prevent buying and consuming the most harmful ones overall, just to make sure that you do not accumulate any of them in the long run. 

It may be difficult at first, but remember, there are always healthy alternatives to food intake, and you will definitely find more options that are helpful to your body if you know where to look.
If you’re looking for the best immune system booster to play as an excellent alternative to these harmful foods, 123 Immunity is here to help. Our supplements are carefully formulated to provide you with enough essential nutrients to support your immune system. Order yours today!

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