What Vitamin C Can Do for Your Immune System and Your Body


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What Vitamin C Can Do for Your Immune System and Your Body

If you want to keep your body healthy and your immune system robust, you should look into natural ways to do so. For instance, vitamin C has become incredibly popular—it is a must-have in every diet for the protection it gives your different organ systems against various health problems.

But what can vitamin C really do for your body? Let’s find out.

What Is Vitamin C?

Ascorbic acid, famously known as vitamin C, is an essential nutrient and antioxidant needed to keep the body functioning. You can find it both in foods and dietary supplements. It helps in improving biological functions such as collagen synthesis, wound healing, and bone repair.

Vitamin C is believed to be an immune booster against infections or illnesses, which is why people are encouraged to eat food rich in vitamin C or at least take supplements to boost their intake.

Ready to learn more? Here are other vitamin C benefits and what it can do for your health concerns.

1. Vitamin C Deficiency

According to US CDC reports, about 7.1 percent of the US population suffer from vitamin C deficiency. Those who have low amounts of vitamin C in their body can develop scurvy, which can lead to anemia, spontaneous bleeding, teeth loss, and a lot more. Avoiding issues like this is why regular vitamin C intake is needed to keep the body healthy and functioning well. 

2. Common Colds

It is widely believed that vitamin C can help treat and prevent colds. However, the benefits are not heavily backed by research. There are even studies that claim that vitamin C did not do anything to cure a common cold. However, researchers have noted that vitamin C can help people survive in freezing climates and protect performance athletes. 

3. Hypertension 

It is believed that vitamin C can help relieve high blood pressure. A 2021 study from John Hopkins University showed that intake of around 500 milligrams of vitamin C per day resulted in small systolic or upper blood pressure reductions.

It’s important to regulate vitamin intake. High vitamin C doses can result in a diuretic effect that can increase the removal of excess body fluids. This problem, in turn, can lower blood pressure and lead to other serious health problems.

Are There Possible Side of Effects?

Just like other nutrients, too much vitamin C can have unfavorable effects on the body. It is generally considered safe, but consuming too much ascorbic acid will not lead to a strong immune system. Some adverse effects of high vitamin C doses are heartburn, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. 

How Should I Consume Vitamin C?

Make sure that you do not take over 2000 milligrams of vitamin C. This dosage level can quickly increase the risk of kidney stones and severe diarrhea.

For pregnant women, 85 to 120 milligrams of vitamin C is enough per day. Older women should be wary of their vitamin C intake going past 300 milligrams per day as this can result in an increased risk of death due to heart diseases. 

Final Thoughts

While vitamin C is mainly considered safe and beneficial to our body, you should still take it in moderation. If you are unsure of the doses you must take per day, you should consult your doctor.

Make sure you consume high-quality vitamin C supplements so you will be able to enjoy the best immune system support. Check out 123 Immunity today! Our products are designed to strengthen the immune system with ample amounts of vitamin B12, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin C. Send us a message today to learn more!

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