Vitamin B and Immunity: What to Know

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With the threat of viruses and bacteria becoming more apparent nowadays, maintaining a strong immune system is more crucial than ever. Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients to fuel our natural defenses against illnesses. Although fruits, vegetables, and other types of food will help meet your nutritional needs, not everyone has access to these food items. Instead, they will have to rely on vitamin supplements to help maintain their body’s functions, including immunity.

What Are the Types of B Vitamins?

The vitamin B complex comprises eight different types of vitamins. All of them belong to the same family of similar compounds, and each plays an important role in the body’s daily functioning. These vitamins are B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), and B12 (cobalamin). The body needs these nutrients in different amounts.

What Are the Benefits and Roles of Vitamin B?

The vitamin B complex is one of the most essential vitamins the body needs. It helps us keep our brain and nerve functions in top shape, regulate our hormones and cholesterol levels, metabolize the food we eat, and maintain the overall health of various tissues and organs. 

It also plays a vital role in our immunity. It helps the body synthesize new red blood cells, create healthy DNA, and supply energy to our cells. Pregnant women and older adults need higher amounts of B vitamins because of the heightened demands of nutrients. Vitamin B9 is also essential for preventing congenital disabilities.

What Happens If You Don’t Get Enough B Vitamins?

If you have vitamin B deficiency, you may experience various bodily issues. These include weakness, fatigue, anemia, confusion, scaly lips, skin rashes, nausea, digestive problems, and abdominal cramps. You may also notice some neurological problems such as tingling and numbness in your extremities. Because B vitamins also play a role in your immune response, not getting enough of it also opens you up to infections.

Do I Need to Take Supplements?

The body can synthesize some nutrients to a small extent, but we get most of our B vitamins from the food we eat. These nutrients can come from a wide variety of food choices such as milk, eggs, liver, meat, dark green leafy vegetables (e.g., kale and spinach), avocados, beets, whole grains, nuts, and nutritional yeast. However, B vitamins are water-soluble and can easily be stripped off of food by cooking and other types of food processing. To fill in the nutritional gaps, many people need to take supplements.

It’s unlikely that you’ll absorb too much vitamin B. This is because it’s water-soluble, and the body can easily discard excess amounts of the nutrient. If you’re taking supplements as directed, you likely will not experience any problems.

Boosting Your Immunity with Vitamin Supplements

The vitamin B complex is one of the most essential nutrients that our body needs to maintain healthy functions, including metabolism and immunity. It’s also highly effective when taken in conjunction with other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. Although the body can absorb these nutrients through a healthy diet, most people need supplementation to provide them with their daily needs.

If you’re looking for an effective vitamin B12 supplement in the US, 123 Immunity has all your needs covered. This multivitamin supplement has all the nutrients your body requires for healthy immune functions. Boost your immunity—get yours today!

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