4 Natural Supplements Your Immune System Needs


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The immune system comprises numerous cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect you from foreign bodies, infections, and diseases. However, to help it function at its maximum potential, you must adequately provide the essential nutrients for your body.

Today, numerous natural and herbal supplements are available to help the body fight disease and boost immunity. Incorporate vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, amino acids, and enzymes into your meal plans for a balanced diet. 

For full support of your immune system, the four vitamins you should never skip out on are vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Here’s a quick overview of each:

Vitamin C

A lack of vitamin C in the diet makes a person more prone to illness. As an effective antioxidant, taking vitamin C supplements is also helpful when dealing with stress, lack of sleep and may help lower risks for upper respiratory infection.

Taking vitamin C supplements daily must be exercised with caution, however. There is a limit to how much vitamin C can be absorbed at one time. High doses of vitamin C taken orally can cause diarrhea and stomach upset, as well as interference with standard glucometer readings (a tool commonly used to measure blood sugar in diabetics).

It is best to take vitamin C supplements throughout the day rather than taking the entire daily dose all at once.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B6 concentrations have been shown to influence immune response. The body requires B vitamins for it to produce immune cells. Several B complex vitamins, including pyridoxine (B6), thiamine (B1), and riboflavin (B2), are required further to assist the health of one’s immune system.

Food should still be the primary source of B-vitamins. Still, various factors, such as an unhealthy diet, drug use, alcohol abuse, can lead to vitamin B deficiencies. Unless a person has a vitamin B deficiency, supplements may not be necessary. 

Green vegetables, beef liver, tuna, salmon, fortified cereals, onion, chicken, cold-water fish, and chickpeas are the primary sources of vitamin B6.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to increased infection contraction. You must consume vitamin D-rich foods such as dairy products, fatty fish, egg yolks, and beef liver to combat this. Additionally, a lack of vitamin D may cause sun sensitivity when exposed to the sun for an extended period.

Although, you must employ special precautions with these types of supplements. When taken in large amounts, vitamin D can raise calcium levels in the blood. So before taking vitamin D supplements, seek medical advice and approval from a healthcare professional.

Vitamin E

Antioxidants, such as vitamin E, are essential for immune system health. It has been discovered that vitamin E inhibits viral replication after infection in the host. Feeding your body enough vitamin E through nuts, seeds, avocados, grapefruit oil, and spinach is the best way to ensure adequate consumption of this powerful antioxidant.

While there is significant promotion to take vitamin E supplements, there are currently no medical studies showing its effects on boosting the immune system. In other cases, a regular intake of Vitamin E may also be harmful to smokers. 

This doesn’t mean that vitamin E isn’t beneficial. By being knowledgeable of food sources and nutrients, you may provide your body with its needs or avoid certain supplements altogether.


According to age-old medical studies, even a single nutrient deficiency may alter the body’s immune response. Malnourishment, for one, makes people more susceptible to bacterial, viral, and other infections. So, it’s crucial to get a healthy dose of these four immune system-boosting supplements regularly. You must protect your healthy cells, promote resistant cell growth, and generate antibodies to function at your best.  

Are you looking for the best vitamins for your immune system? We’ve got it here at 123Immunity! We offer free delivery for our products all over the US. Shop what your body needs today!

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