Vitamins and Ingredients with Anti-Inflammatory Properties


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Inflammation is something that’s been connected to so many common diseases and high-risk illnesses. There’s arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and a wider variety of sicknesses that all involve inflammation. It can be immensely painful to deal with the side effects of inflammatory diseases too, with redness, swelling, and pain as the most distinctive outturns.

Luckily, so much evidence points to a variety of vitamins and ingredients that can provide anti-inflammation, protecting the body from these illnesses. These components can usually be acquired through eating different foods that feature these, but supplements can often supply you with an adequate dosage of multiple nutrients at once.

Keep reading to learn more about five different ingredients that offer anti-inflammatory properties:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is present in many citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons. This acidic component shouldn’t be taken on an empty stomach as it may do more harm than good. However, when ingested in a different form after a good meal, you can expect a good immunity boost. 

Aside from keeping the stability of the immune system’s functions, vitamin C can help remove free radicals. These germs often cause inflammation in the body’s tissues, so that layer of protection is a must.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is more known for strengthening the immune system compared to Vitamin C. This is because Vitamin D can suppress inflammation and improve the immunity cells, lessening the likeliness of those inflammatory diseases.

Vitamin D can be quite unique as it is present in plenty of food like fish, eggs, and milk. The body can also naturally generate vitamin D with sun exposure, though it can depend on one’s level of immunity efficiency. Discuss with your doctor about using supplements in your diet.


Elderberry is often seen as a holy grail for medicinal use, acting as a remedy for different illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome and hay fever. The fruit is used to relieve pain and swelling, causing people to sweat after consumption. 

The elderberries’ effectivity can be credited to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that it contains. Some often recommend this as a sole treatment for a disease’s aftermath, but a healthy dose of elderberry beforehand can improve the condition of your immunity cells.

Olive Leaf

The effects of olive leaves can be a cross between vitamin C and elderberry. Olive leaves can be a solution to radicals that may be affecting your immunity system. Inflammation is lowered without these germs. Simultaneously, olive leaf can act as an antioxidant that improves your cells and protects them. A concentrate of olive leaves can be a great find in your supplements.


Magnesium is a unique mineral that generally helps with regulating one’s blood pressure and aiding the functions of both the nervous system and the muscle system. In addition to that,  magnesium acts as great support for the immune system and the existing anti-inflammatory cells that the body has. 


As the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing and the spotlight is on protecting your health, there’s no better time to look into the intakes of these vitamins and ingredients. Aside from ensuring your security from inflammatory diseases, you would also be strengthening your immunity cells. 

Looking for the best supplements for the immune system? 123Immunity’s product features Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Elderberry, Magnesium, Olive Leaf Extract, and other immune-boosting ingredients. Order today!

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