Vitamin C: Can It Reduce Free Radicals?


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Even the healthiest people can suffer from damages caused by free radicals. Some are caused by sun exposure, stress, and even workouts! The more obvious causes, of course, are smoking and pollution. If you are worried about your health, you naturally want to know if there’s something you can do or take to fight those free radicals and minimize the risk of cell damage and diseases caused by them.

One of the best supplements you can take for this is vitamin C. You can also consume a diet that is high in vitamin C, like citrus fruits and certain vegetables.

If you want to know more about vitamin C’s role in battling free radicals, read on as 123Immunity shares some valuable information on the topic:

What Is Vitamin C?

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is an organic compound rich in antioxidants and is naturally found in animals and plants. It works as a redox buffer that reduces and neutralizes reactive oxygen species. It is also a cofactor for enzymes responsible for regulating photosynthesis, hormone biosynthesis, antioxidant regeneration, and cell division regulation.

Additionally, it has roles in processes like immune stimulation, iron absorption, and detoxification of heavy metals. A person who is severely deficient in vitamin C may experience scurvy. At the same time, those with limited amounts of it in their body can see symptoms like tooth loss, dry mouth and eyes, hair loss, itchy and dry skin, insomnia, fatigue, and a higher risk of getting infections.

Vitamin C’s Role in Fighting Free Radicals and Diseases

You see, without antioxidants like vitamin C, free radical damage may progress and soon cause cellular dysfunction. Based on the study published in the Journal of Clinical Interventions in Aging in 2007, free radical damage to cells contributes to such diseases as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and stroke. It may also play a part in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurodegenerative diseases.

If you increase your intake of vitamin C and other antioxidants by ensuring it’s a part of your daily diet and by taking the best vitamin C supplement, you can reduce the risk of developing the diseases above.

The Recommended Amount

To get the benefits of vitamin C, you should consume the recommended amount, which is 90mg for men and 75mg for women. Remember, though, that the vitamin is water-soluble, and you cannot store it in your body. So, you must consume it every single day.

You can get vitamin C through your diet by adding oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and broccoli, and peppers, among others. Of course, it’s not just vitamin C that you need as an antioxidant. You should also have vitamin A which is found in sweet potatoes and carrots, and vitamin E that you can find in nuts and certain oils.

You also need to take vitamin C to revive other antioxidants in your body, like vitamin E, especially if you smoke cigarettes. The habit can cause high levels of oxidative stress, thus depleting vitamin E faster. Vitamin C can help prolong the amount of time vitamin E stays in your body.


Vitamin C is indeed crucial if you want to fight free radicals in your body and avoid developing diseases that can deteriorate your health. Vitamin C is also one of the best supplements for the immune system. Your body needs its antioxidant properties, especially during these difficult times when there’s a huge threat to your immune system.

123Immunity can provide you with the best vitamin C supplement you can take and use to shield your immune system. Give our vitamin C supplement a try and feel the difference in your health!

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