How Vitamin D Supplementation May Help Fibromyalgia Patients

Vitamin and mineral supplements.

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Fibromyalgia is a disorder that is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain that may sometimes be accompanied by fatigue, memory and sleep issues, and mood swings. For decades, it has been suggested that people with fibromyalgia are prone to vitamin D deficiency and benefit from supplementation. 

While studies have not shown conclusive evidence that vitamin D supplementation indeed helps patients with fibromyalgia, there are many testaments by patients that swear that vitamin D does indeed ease the symptoms they experience. This blog post will explore the possible link between fibromyalgia and vitamin D and how patients may benefit from supplementation. 

How Vitamin D Supplementation May Help Fibromyalgia Patients

It has been suggested that fibromyalgia patients may be more prone to vitamin D deficiency. One of the main links between being deficient in this vitamin and fibromyalgia is that vitamin D is hypothesized to be an effective anti-inflammatory agent, which helps relieve and prevent musculoskeletal pain. Let us further explore how these two may be connected. 

What is Vitamin D Deficiency?

If a person has a vitamin D deficiency, they may have a parade of different health issues like heart disease, diabetes, various types of cancer, and bone disorders. Having too little of this essential vitamin may lead to a horde of unwanted symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness and cramps, pain in the bones, and depressive mood swings. 

Vitamin D and Fibromyalgia Symptoms

There are striking similarities between the symptoms of both vitamin D deficiency and fibromyalgia. The overlap of symptoms is why some experts suspect that vitamin D deficiency is the culprit for fibromyalgia. Also, the possibility of fibromyalgia as an autoimmune disease is being explored. This is because a malfunctioning immune system may cause inflammation. However, despite this seemingly smoking un, some fibromyalgia patients do not experience a significant amount of inflammation in their musculoskeletal system, which explains why the exact cause of fibromyalgia is still undetermined at the time of this writing. 

How Vitamin D May Help

Vitamin D is needed whether one has fibromyalgia or not. It can help a person gain healthier immune responses as well as healthy muscles and bones. A healthy dose of vitamin D may also help reduce the pain that fibromyalgia patients feel. 

However, before increasing your vitamin D intake, it is a good idea to consult your doctor first. Your physician will know the best and most recommended ways to increase your intake and if it is a worthwhile option to try to help you with your existing symptoms. 

Sources of Vitamin D

There are many sources of vitamin D, with natural sunlight being the first. Next, some foods are naturally rich in vitamin D, such as egg yolks, mushrooms, and various types of fish. Lastly, you may opt to use vitamin supplements to fill your need for vitamin D.


A deficiency of any essential vitamin may cause a drop in a person’s immune system. This may be why any patient who has fibromyalgia may benefit from vitamin and mineral support. Selecting the right vitamin supplements will significantly help fibromyalgia patients cope with their symptoms and improve their immune response. 

If you are looking for your daily vitamin fix, come to 123Immunity! We offer supplements to help your body fight infection and strengthen immune response. Visit our shop and get the best immune booster today!

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