How to Boost Your Immunity Naturally – P2: Olive Leaf Extract

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Olive leaf extract as a supplement or even as a medicine is not a new idea. In fact, it has been around since the time of ancient Egypt. The olive leaf symbolized heavenly power, and the oil extracted from it was also used in sacred mummification ceremonies. 

Even today, olive leaf and its extract are still being widely used as traditional remedies in countries like France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and more. It is said that the olive leaf is effective in treating the common cold, dental problems, severe diarrhea, ear infection, urinary tract infection, surgical infection, and others. 

In this post, 123Immunity will share with you why olive leaf extract is one of the best immune system boosters available today:

Known Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract to Your Health

Most health benefits of olive leaf are associated with the chemical characteristics of the compounds found in it, including biophenols that are synthesized to protect the olive tree from stresses from the environment, especially the harmful UV radiation. Other bioactive compounds in olive leaves include flavonoids, oleuropein, and triterpenes. 

Among these, researchers find that the benefits of olive leaf are mainly from oleuropein. It has pharmacological effects because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and disease-fighting characteristics. 

Apart from that, phytochemicals that are found in olive leaf extract show substantial antimicrobial and antiviral properties that can significantly aid by keeping bacteria and viruses from replicating. 

It Can Help Improve Cardiovascular Health

Olive leaf extract is said to have great effects on atherosclerosis which is the highest risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Having high levels of LDL or bad cholesterol, as well as total cholesterol, are also risk factors for this disease. A study on animals conducted in 2015 examined the effects of olive leaf extract on cholesterol levels. Results showed that rats who took the olive leaf extract for eight weeks had significantly lower cholesterol levels.

It Can Help Protect the Brain from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Oleuropein found in olive leaves shows potential in protecting the brain from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease thanks to its antioxidant effects that could prevent damage and loss of dopamine neurons. 

It Can Help with the Management of Type 2 Diabetes

A recent review of olive leaf extract showed how it could help improve insulin secretion and may be helpful to those with type 2 diabetes. Animal studies showed that it could help reduce hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. It may also reduce signs of oxidative stress, blood glucose levels, and plasma malondialdehyde. Further studies on humans are needed to establish this, though. 

It Can Help Reduce the Risk of Cancer

A cell study on olive leaf extract showed it might be effective in stopping cancer cell growth. It may be due to its impressive antioxidant properties. Because it’s one of the first studies on this, more research is necessary to actually prove this benefit. 


As you can see, not only is olive leaf extract one of the best immune boosters you can find right now, but its benefits even extend to the prevention of some serious diseases. Of course, you need to speak with your physician before you try taking olive leaf extract. It’s also crucial that you choose a high-quality supplement from a trusted source. 

123Immunity’s supplements include the best olive leaf extract and are proven to be safe, too. Check out our products today and start giving your immune system an armor of protection!

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