Benefits of Elderberries to Convince You They’re Good for You


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Every person must strive to keep their immune system and overall well-being in great condition to help them live healthier and longer. Besides keeping a balanced diet, doing exercise regularly, getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated, you could think about adding elderberry supplements to your routine.

People have been using elderberries for a long time, dating as far back as hundreds of years ago. Due to their health benefits, the berry has antioxidant properties to combat certain illnesses and improve a person’s immune system.

Keep reading below to learn more about elderberries and why it’s what you need to take care of some of the common health concerns to ensure you and your family remain healthy and strong. 

A Closer Look at Elderberries

Elderberries are fruits that come from the Sambucus tree, specifically the Sambucus nigra. You can spot the tree because of its flowers colored white or cream, and its fruit comprising blue or black berries.

It isn’t safe to eat raw elderberries because they are poisonous, so if you want to consume them, you have to cook them first or acquire elderberry vitamins or capsules. Native Americans and Europeans have long been using elderberries for treating an array of respiratory conditions.

Why Elderberries are Good for Your Health

There is little research available to prove why elderberries are good for your immune system. However, the existing scientific results could be enough evidence to verify that the components that make up the fruit can play an integral role in supporting people’s health. Based on studies, consuming elderberries properly can provide many benefits, including: 

Eliminating Colds and Flu

Taking elderberries for immune support could work to combat colds and flu. Due to their possible antioxidant and antiviral properties, they may be helpful to prevent certain health issues from worsening. Consuming elderberries regularly could manage symptoms of headache, fever, body pain, and nasal congestion. 

If you think you’re coming down with an illness, it’s better to be one step ahead of it and take elderberries before the symptoms break out. While elderberries cannot completely get rid of the sickness, they may help control the severe symptoms from occurring.  

Managing Acne

Elderberries comprise high levels of flavonoids, enough to be considered to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Their components serve as a helpful barrier to keep toxic free radicals from affecting your healthy cells, especially if your skin is concerned.

Besides taking elderberries to boost your immune system, you could also use skincare products infused with elderberries to help treat your skin concerns, such as acne. Due to the fruit’s antiseptic effects, it can aid in preventing bacteria from causing imperfections to appear on your skin.

Minimizing Wrinkles

Other than acne, another skin problem that you can rely on elderberry for is to treat your wrinkles. Elderberries are packed with vitamin A, so you could use a facial wash or other skin products that contain elderberry to help minimize your wrinkles.

It works to relieve your skin and target your age spots, striving to reduce their appearance and prevent more wrinkles from forming over time. However, you have to make sure to use other helpful products, such as putting on sunblock regularly to shield you from harmful UV rays that lead to wrinkles. 


Although there isn’t enough research to truly prove the benefits of elderberries, knowing that the fruit has been around for a long time and used by people for their health-boosting properties is helpful. It’s up to you to consider the elderberry’s benefits for your own reasons, whether it’s to manage colds, flu, acne, or wrinkles. 

Are you looking to purchase the best vitamins for your immune system? 123Immunity is a company that provides supplements that contain essential nutrients to keep our clients healthy. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our product!

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