Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About the Immune System

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When it comes to protecting your body from harmful viruses and toxins, your immune system is at the frontlines of the battle. Think of it this way — your immune system is your body’s version of the military. So essentially, its task is to defend you against threatening illnesses and viruses. 

Because your immune system holds a huge responsibility, you must keep it strong. Besides having a balanced diet program and keeping an active lifestyle, taking immune-boosting supplements can help protect our body’s defenders. With the extra help, our immune system will have the ability to function correctly, allowing it to carry out its responsibility in keeping our bodies safe and strong. 

Now that you know the basic role of our immune system, it pays to know more about it. In this article, we’ll share with you interesting facts that you probably didn’t know about the immune system. Let’s take a look!

Fact #1: It Flows Through our Blood and Lymph

What many don’t know is that our immune system is powered by liters of blood and lymph. These two fluids transport all the immune system elements and distribute them in all parts of our bodies. 

Fact #2: White Cells are the Knights of Our Immune System

Many are unaware that white blood cells play a huge role in defending our bodies. To put things into perspective, they’re considered the knights in battle every time there are signs of trouble. 

These white blood cells travel through our blood vessels, ingesting and absorbing invaders, eliminating them so we won’t get sick. Besides that, they also create antibodies to attack bacteria and viruses from infecting us. That’s why it’s important to take immune-boosting supplements to help aid the functions of our immune system for better protection. 

Fact #3: Your Immune System is Working When You Get Fever on Inflammation

There’s no denying that laying in bed with fever and inflammation is an unpleasant experience. But the benefit is knowing your immune system is doing its job as it releases white blood cells for action. This increases your metabolism and stops organisms from multiplying. 

Fact #4: Stress Can Affect Your Immune System

It’s true when they say that laughter is the best medicine. This is because when you put your body through stress, your immune system weakens since it releases cortisol, adrenaline, and other stress hormones. 

When you’re chronically stressed, your stress hormones can affect the way your body functions and can put you at risk for several health problems. These issues include anxiety, depression, digestive issues, sleep disorders, heart disease, and more. 

Fact #5: Germs Can Also Keep You Healthy

Many don’t know that our gut contains thousands of bacteria and other elements that help us digest our food. Although we’re conditioned to believe that germs aren’t good for our body, you also need some germs to stay healthy. 

Your immune system was designed to adapt. This means that your body needs to be exposed to threats and risks to learn how to defend itself from them. So that if you ever get infected with it again, your body will know what to do. 

The Bottom Line: Take the Necessary Steps to Keep Your Immune System Strong

Keeping your immune system strong is crucial, especially now that we’re still in the middle of the pandemic. Having a balanced diet that will keep our gut healthy, doing regular physical activity, and taking immune-boosting supplements can help aid the functions of your immune system, keeping you safe, healthy, and protected.

Why Choose 123Immunity?

Whether you’re inside your home or out in the great outdoors, you expose your body to harmful microbes of all sorts. With that being said, you must take the best immune-boosting supplements, such as 123Immunity. 

If you’re looking for a supplement that will help improve the capabilities of your immune system, you’d be happy to know that 123Immunity was formulated to provide all the essential nutrients to provide maximum support to your immune system. 

Try 123Immunity today and start looking and feeling better and stronger!

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