Many individuals remain unaware that vitamin C offers other benefits besides strengthening your immunity. It’s widely known to be the best immune booster for the cold and flu season, frequently utilized as the first line of defense against diseases. When it comes to heavy metals like lead and mercury, however, many remain in the dark about its role of being a potent detoxifier.
To learn more, we’ll go through the hazards of heavy metal poisoning in this post, as well as the ways you can use vitamin C to detox your body from heavy metals:
How Dangerous is Heavy Metal Poisoning?
Heavy metal poisoning can occur when heavy metals such as lead and aluminum build up in the body over time. Excessive exposure to heavy metals causes this disease, which interferes with our regular bodily functions. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort are all signs of heavy metal poisoning.
There is also a danger of developing cancer and other irreversible forms of harm to your key organs. Unfortunately, all the symptoms above can also occur at the same time, especially when you’re subjected to both acute exposure and long-term exposure to heavy metals.
Chronic heavy metal exposure can, unfortunately, originate from our food and water. If the levels of heavy metals in your blood aren’t too high, a simple detox regimen can help you feel better. But in more severe cases, you may need to undergo chelation therapy.
Vitamin C as a Great Detoxifier
High levels of vitamin C in the blood are independently associated with a decrease in the incidence rate of high lead concentrations, according to cross-sectional research of 4,213 children conducted between 1988 and 1994. In certain animal experiments, vitamin C was also found to speed up the rate of lead excretion from the body.
Meanwhile, other research has found that antioxidants such as vitamin C can decrease lead buildup in the liver and kidneys, as well as interfere with the blood’s delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity. Furthermore, providing your body with appropriate vitamin C levels can aid in keeping it robust and healthy during the detox process.
Incorporating Vitamin C in Your Lifestyle
Animal studies have found variations in the bioavailability of synthetic vitamin C vs food-derived vitamin C. Although both synthetic and food-derived vitamin C appear to be equally accessible in humans through health supplements, it is better to consume vitamin C as part of whole meals.
Vitamin C is best obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and potatoes are among the finest and most easily available vitamin C-rich foods, along with red peppers, kiwis, broccoli, strawberries, brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe. Adult females require 75 mg of vitamin C per day, whereas adult males require 90 mg per day, with smokers requiring 35 mg more per day more than nonsmokers.
Note: Keep in mind that taking more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C daily can induce nausea, diarrhea, and other unpleasant symptoms, as well as deplete vitamin B12 levels, cause tooth enamel erosion and trigger an allergic reaction.
Vitamin C, when taken moderately, may help you to optimize bodily functions. It also provides you with more benefits, such as boosting the production of collagen, L-carnitine, and some neurotransmitters, as well as immunological function. Increasing your vitamin C intake is also not only a wonderful method to speed up your heavy metal detox but a sure way to improve your overall health.
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