How Magnesium Levels Affect Women with PCOS: An Overview


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Human physiology will have varying needs, depending on the different variables affecting one’s physiology. This is why people with certain medical conditions need to take supplements to provide for the imbalance in chemicals or compounds.

One vital mineral in the body is magnesium since it’s involved in signaling insulin in glucose. Additionally, it regulates heart contractions to maintain the cardiovascular system. Having too little of it in your body can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes and the worsening of some medical ailments in certain individuals. For example, women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are more at risk of experiencing magnesium deficiency.

Why Do Women with PCOS Need Magnesium?

Women with PCOS are prone to magnesium deficiency since they have natural insulin resistance and naturally lower their magnesium levels. However, you don’t need to have PCOS to suffer from magnesium deficiency.

Common symptoms rooted in low magnesium levels include weight gain, unwanted hair growth, thinning hair on the hair, mood changes, and sleep problems. Additionally, a person with a deficiency in magnesium and other nutrients is at risk of having weaker immune responses. For this reason, it’s vital to maintain your magnesium intake to reach appropriate levels.

In this article, we’ll share three reasons women need to take magnesium supplements.

1. Regulating Blood Pressure

Some women with PCOS notably have high blood pressure, which makes them at a higher risk of developing heart disease. Since they have difficulties remaining in the right range for their blood pressure levels, they need to maintain a diet rich in magnesium. Thankfully, it’s easy to find this mineral in the right food options. Some magnesium-rich food includes kale, spinach, avocado, and several kinds of nuts.

2. Improving Insulin Resistance

Women with PCOS are more likely to have higher insulin levels, making them more resistant to insulin. To match these high insulin levels, they need to take in higher amounts of magnesium to properly regulate the glucose that enters their cells for energy consumption.

Without enough magnesium, glucose entering the blood may be too low, resulting in fatigue and complications in blood sugar levels. With a magnesium-rich diet, women with PCOS can avoid the risk of developing higher insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

3. Reducing Anxiety Levels

Besides the physiological changes to the body, a person with PCOS may face complications on a neurological level. Since their hormones are affected by PCOS, women with PCOS can likely have complications like anxiety and depression. This is because low magnesium levels can affect a person’s neurological function, which can lead to these mental conditions.

Before taking in more magnesium solely for anxiety or depression, don’t forget to consult with your physician. Maintaining the appropriate diet is necessary to avoid chemical imbalances with other medications you may be taking already.


While getting minerals and nutrients from natural sources is important, it’s not always a financially and logistically efficient option. Additionally, some individuals may have allergies or difficulty eating certain food types. This is why food supplement formulations are essential for people with a higher need for minerals like magnesium. Thankfully, you can purchase quality products from the comfort of your home.

If you’re on the hunt for the best magnesium supplement in the market, look no further. Our online store is full of nutrient and mineral-rich products to help you live a healthier lifestyle. Buy from our store today!

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