Magnesium Supplements for Migraine Prevention: Do They Work?


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Migraines are one of the worst kinds of headaches people experience. Modern medicine still struggles to understand the nature and causes of this familiar condition. While there are treatments you can explore to ease the symptoms, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every person. Most try different medicine combinations until they find the one effective. 

Perhaps you have heard that migraines can be linked to magnesium deficiency. If you want to know if adding magnesium to your system can help you reduce the chances of experiencing migraines, this article will tell you what you need to know. 

What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral found in many foods, dietary supplements, medicines, and other food products. The body contains abundant of this mineral too. It is a mineral required for energy production, glycolysis, blood pressure stabilization. It also contributes to the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and the structural development of the bone. It helps keep different parts of the body working and ensures it stays healthy and functioning.

Magnesium and Migraine: What Is the Link?

When a person is low in magnesium, it can cause various medical problems, such as kidney disease, celiac disease, bowel disease, and more. It has also been linked to migraines. The link, however, is still at a basic scientific level, which means that it can be associated with concerns about nerve cells and brain waves. However, its connection with the actual ailment is still hard for experts to define because migraines can be linked to several factors and not just one cause. 

Still, an increase in magnesium is one of the treatments used to prevent and manage migraines. One study shows that regular magnesium intake decreased the frequency of migraine attacks in the participants by 41.6 percent. 

What You Should Be Careful Of

Anything not taken in moderation can cause complications, even the natural element magnesium. Magnesium supplements, in general, are safe and well-tolerated supplements. However, the wrong levels could result in diarrhea, vomiting, low blood pressure, and mild stomach cramps. 

You need to consult with your doctor first before taking this supplement, especially if you suffer from kidney problems. You could end up having difficulty breathing or feel immensely weak if with overly high magnesium levels. 

How to Add More Magnesium to Your System

Taking magnesium supplements is one of the best ways to increase your magnesium supply in the body, should you need it. Implementing a magnesium-rich diet is also a healthy way for you to get the minerals you need. 

Here are the foods that contain a good amount of magnesium:

  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Seeds (pumpkin seeds, squash seeds, etc.)
  • Avocado
  • Figs
  • Black beans and lentils
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Mackerel, tuna, and pollock fish
  • Almonds


There is no one cure for migraines, but there are many things you can do to limit them. While increasing magnesium in your body is not one hundred percent guaranteed to stop a migraine, it still is a worthy natural element to see if it is effective for you. However, make sure that you discuss this with your doctor first. 

If you are looking for the best magnesium supplement to try, check out 123immuniy. It is a supplement filled with the ingredients your body needs, including a good amount of magnesium, carefully formulated to provide essential nutrients to support maximum immune system support. 

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