Why You Should Make Potassium a Regular in Your Diet

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Potassium is vital in keeping your cells healthy and performing their proper functions. It is a mineral that is necessary for maintaining the electrical environment inside and outside your cells. Along with sodium, potassium ensures that your heart, muscles, and nerves work properly by taking care of your cells.

Although unfortunate, many people around the world experience potassium deficiency, which can interrupt their cells’ proper functioning. Each person must have an adequate amount of potassium intake depending on their age.

Newborns up to six months of age must have a potassium intake of 400 milligrams per day. Seven to 12-month old babies must take 700 milligrams, while toddlers aged 1 to 3 years old should take 3,000 milligrams. Kids aged 4 to 8 require 3,800 milligrams of potassium and older kids from age 9-13 should regularly consume 4,500 milligrams.

Full-grown adults require much more so their cells can properly function amid daily activities. Yet, potassium deficiency is not always tackled. Here are reasons why you should make potassium a regular part of your daily diet and how it can help you prevent diseases:

Benefit #1: Slows down Osteoporosis.

Our bones become brittle as we age, which is why it is essential to properly take care of them to prevent Osteoporosis in old age. Americans eat a lot of meat and dairy, which promotes bone acidity and speeds up the onset of bone diseases. Taking in food rich in potassium will help prevent symptoms of brittle bones and slow down Osteoporosis. 

Benefit #2: Reduces risk of kidney stones.

Kidney stones are the result of a buildup in mineral deposits in your kidneys. You may pass them during urination but they cause severe pain. They can get stuck in your ureters on their way out, making it worse for you. 

High acidity in tissues raises the risk of having kidney stones, which are usually caused by eating too much meat. Eating potassium-rich foods will help reduce tissue acidity and promotes calcium in the bones to prevent kidney stones. 

Benefit #3: Aids muscles in proper function.

To guarantee proper muscle function, your body needs enough levels of potassium inside and sodium outside of your cells. If you have sodium or potassium deficiency, you are at higher risk to develop muscle weakness or spasms caused by imbalance.

Benefit #4: Reduces the risk for high blood pressure.

High blood pressure raises the risk of contracting heart disease due to the stress in your arteries and veins. It could also lead to stroke and heart failure. High blood pressure is nicknamed “the silent killer” for these reasons and patients generally don’t experience symptoms until the disease actually hits them. 

An excess in sodium intake could worsen high blood pressure but this can be balanced out with an adequate level of potassium. A good amount of potassium in your diet lessens the sodium and helps your blood vessels relax.

Benefit #5: Helps prevent stroke. 

A stroke cuts or restricts the blood flow to your brain, which can be caused by a blockage or a blood vessel bursting. Some strokes are caused by high blood pressure, which means that getting the right amount of potassium in your body helps prevent this. 

A stroke usually manifests as a weakness in one arm, a droop in one side of the face, and slurred speech. If you or someone you know has these symptoms, immediately seek medical help. 


To stay healthy as we age, it is best to take measures that promote a strong immune system. Taking the right amount of potassium is one way of keeping yourself healthy and away from different diseases.

Taking multivitamins that contain potassium to ensure that you get your right daily intake is another way of warding off diseases. The best vitamins and immune boosters are at your fingertips with 123 Immunity. We provide nutritional supplements that take care of your body as you seize the day!

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