Precious Metals and Minerals Your Body Needs

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When the topic is about precious metals, what instantly comes to mind are the ones that are prized the highest, like gold, silver, and platinum. But while those are indeed the most precious ones economy-wise, there are others that are equally as precious when it comes to our health. Some of them are so important that one can’t live without them!

In this post, 123 Immunity shares which minerals you should look for in the health supplements that you are taking right now and how they help you achieve the best health possible:

What Essential Minerals Actually Do

While most metals are needed to make durable objects like iron gates and copper pipes, some metals serve an entirely different purpose for the human body. Essential metals are necessary for the activation of some enzymes that have critical functions in the body. Apart from that, some metals have specific roles. Take these as examples:

Calcium is needed to build teeth and bones, as well as help regulate blood pressure, muscles to contract, blood to clot, and activate enzymes all throughout the body.

Chromium helps regulate blood sugar levels. It also aids the cells in drawing energy from blood glucose.

Copper helps metabolize fuel and regulate neurotransmitters. It also contributes to the “cleaning up” of free radicals and in the making of red blood cells.

Iron is an essential mineral that is needed in making hemoglobin and myoglobin. It’s also needed for activating some enzymes and producing amino acids, collagen, hormones, and neurotransmitters.

Magnesium, similar to calcium, aids in building bones and teeth. It also contributes to the regulation of blood pressure and blood glucose as well as helps muscles to contract, blood to clot, and nerves to send messages, among others.

Manganese helps metabolize cholesterol, carbohydrates, and amino acids. It also contributes to the forming of bones.

Potassium balances the body’s fluids and helps ensure a steady heartbeat. It also has benefits on one’s bones, muscles, and blood pressure.

Sodium also helps balance fluids in one’s body and makes muscles contract.

Zinc helps make DNA and proteins, boosts the immune system, helps blood clot and wounds to heal.

Where Can You Get These Minerals?

Today, you can find that some of the best supplements like 123 Immunity contain essential minerals like magnesium and zinc, ensuring that you get enough of these to boost your immune system and support certain functions in the body.

Of course, there are some foods that can provide you with certain dietary minerals. Fruits and vegetables, beans, lean protein, whole grains, and dairy products all can give you some of the minerals that your body needs.

However, there are some minerals that are harder to get in the right amounts than others. For instance, calcium deficiency is common in adults as adults often do not eat enough dairy, and this leads to brittle bones, fractures, and conditions like osteoporosis.

Iron deficiency is also common in women as they pass menstrual blood and obese individuals and premenopausal women who are at higher risk for iron deficiency. This could lead to iron deficiency anemia.


The minerals mentioned above are considered essentials. Some of them are needed in large quantities while others in trace amounts. Those who are at higher risk for deficiency in these minerals should make an effort to get them. If you think you belong to this group, it’s best to speak to your doctor to know which minerals you should be getting and what the best supplements are to take.

If you need magnesium and zinc, you should take 123 Immunity, one of the best health supplements that could help ensure that you have enough of these minerals as well as vitamins that you need to boost your immune system. Check out our supplement today and enjoy its benefits!          

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