Helpful Tips to Taking Care of Your Immune System for Elders


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If you live in the US, you’re familiar with having high chances of catching the flu once October arrives up until May. Unfortunately, no matter your age, you can get the virus, with its symptoms involving coming down with a fever, cough, colds, body pains, and headaches.

Depending on how strong your immune system is, you can experience flu symptoms that range from mild to severe, lasting for two weeks at most. Those who are quite young may not have a problem overcoming the flu, but for seniors, it could become a major problem.

Due to having a weaker immune system, the signs of the flu could be a struggle for people who are sixty-five years old and above. However, you can prevent the flu from affecting you and letting your age get the best of you in various ways. Keep reading below to find out how to strengthen your immune system, especially during flu season.

You Should Maintain a Healthy Diet

What you eat is also a vital way to learn how to boost your immune system. As you get older, you become more at risk of experiencing different diseases. If you wish to avoid getting sick, as much as possible, you should fill your diet with nutrients that come from vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

When you keep a well-balanced diet filled with vitamins and antioxidants, you increase your chances of protecting yourself against viruses. As a result, you achieve better health. You should minimize your consumption of food and beverages high in sugar and fat as well. If you need help, you could request a prescription of immune-boosting vitamins from your doctor.

You Should Exercise Regularly 

As people age, their muscles and bones start to change and become different from when they were younger. Now that you’ve reached your elderhood, you may tend to feel weaker regarding performing physical activities and anything that requires you to move your body.

However, it’s all the more necessary to stay active in your 60s, especially if you want your immune system to remain strong enough to keep infections and illnesses at bay. No matter how you plan to exercise, whether it’s walking, yoga, dancing, or biking, aim for at least thirty minutes of activity for three days each week to improve your blood circulation and well-being.

You Should Minimize Your Stress

The stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions you feel from time to time can also impact your immune system and cause you to feel weaker. While short-term stress is manageable, experiencing recurring stress could be detrimental to seniors.

When your mental health is at risk, more often than usual, it could put your immune system in a tough spot, exposing you to various viruses and sicknesses. An essential way to prevent stress is to relax and enjoy yourself by picking up hobbies and getting enough sleep.

You Should Get a Flu Vaccine

The elderly should strive to get a flu vaccine each year to reduce the chances of getting infected by a virus. Since the effect will take two weeks to complete, before October arrives, it’s best to get the shot earlier than that.

Through a vaccine, it helps boost your immune system by developing antibodies to serve as your protection from potential infections. If you’re already a senior, you can rely on Fluzone or Fluad to achieve a stronger immune system to prevent you from getting sick.


Everyone, no matter the age, deserves to live healthy, long, and happy. If you’re worried about the state of your immune system, before flu season comes, you must be prepared for it. For the elderly, it will help to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, minimize your stress, and get a flu vaccine. If you need a little push regarding keeping a healthy lifestyle, you may want to opt for immune boosters to give you an easier time watching over your health.  

Are you looking to purchase the best vitamins for your immune system in the US? 123Immunity is a company that sells supplements and nutrients to help people achieve a healthier and stronger body. Get in touch with us today to learn more information about our products!

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