Understanding the Difference Between Vitamin D and D3


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If you’re a health-conscious individual, you’ve probably encountered vitamin D as a supplement. While it is classified as a vitamin, it’s unique among vitamins for a number of reasons. One such reason is that it’s one of those vitamins that your body can produce by itself whenever you’re exposed to sunlight. 

Another unique function of vitamin D is that it behaves very much like a steroid in the body with the ability to turn genes on and off, making it an incredibly potent nutrient and one of the best immune-boosting vitamins you can take. However, vitamin D can take a couple of different forms. Let’s explore them and discuss which one is best for you.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be found in certain foods and supplements as well as inside your own body. It is one of the few 13 vitamins that your body can manufacture on its own. All you need is a little sunlight, and your body will immediately start producing vitamin D. However, despite it being relatively easy to produce, a lot of people are experiencing vitamin D deficiency because they don’t get enough sunlight, among other things.

One of the main functions of vitamin D is promoting calcium absorption, which allows for proper bone mineralization and growth. Also, vitamin D plays its role in supporting immune function, metabolizing glucose, and reducing inflammation in the body.

What Are the Different Types of Vitamin D?

The term “vitamin D” is actually a kind of a misnomer because it’s quite hard to find anything labeled vitamin D in a pharmacy. That’s because vitamin D actually has two different types in the form of vitamin D2 and D3. Generally speaking, when your doctor or pharmacist mentions “vitamin D,” the implied selection is vitamin D2. The names can be confusing because most of the time, patients go into the pharmacy looking for vitamin D and are surprised that there is a D2 and a D3.

What’s the Difference Between Vitamin D and D3?

Vitamin D (D2) comes mainly from plant sources, such as wild mushrooms, as well as fortified foods like milk or cereal products. This form of vitamin D is a lot less expensive to produce; that’s why it’s quite commonly found in many fortified food products on the market.

On the other hand, vitamin D3 mainly comes from animal sources, such as fish oil, fatty fish, liver, and egg yolks. Remember that unique feature where your body can produce vitamin D through exposure to sunlight? The result is actually vitamin D3, which gives it the name “the sunshine vitamin.” Also, both forms of vitamin D are readily available over-the-counter in the form of immune-boosting supplements.

The Bottomline—Which Form of Vitamin D is Better?

Recent studies have found that both vitamin D and D3 are equally effective in boosting your vitamin D levels. Actually, the type of vitamin D you get is less important than getting the right dose and making sure that you have enough of it in your body.

123immunity is a natural supplement carefully formulated to provide essential nutrients to your body, including vitamin D. Our brand of supplements is perhaps the best immune system booster you can take as it is filled with ingredients that your body needs. Order 123immunity today and give your body the nutrients it deserves.

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